Thursday, October 23, 2008


It was a dark stormy night and to a girl it will be one of her last.
I'm Molly Stonebarger your avarage 13 year old girl. I play the viola and is best player in the band.
My best friend Kristie Cornwall had just went into high school and left me her best friend in the dangers
of the cold brutel Cottenwood middle school.
"Hey mom can i call Kristie?" I yelled from acrossed the room.
"ya ok but not for a while i still need to check on my jod aplacation.
My mom was a big time judge in her county until I was born and she had to move.
Judy stonebarger had me when she was 36 years old and her husbend Mark cheated and left in the middle of the night and we never saw him again.
" Ring....Ring....Ring.....Hello" someone said into the phone.
" hi is kristie there its Molly" I wisperd to the person in the phone.
"ya one moment" Jessa said. Jessa is kristies big sister she is three years older then
her and the most popular girl in her school." Kristie!" jessa yelled while putting her
hand over the phone." Its Molly!". I could hear kristie in the backgraound "Be there in a minute"
and then i could hear her feet running acrossed the floor.
"hey molly whats up?" kristie said with a question in her voice.
"Oh nothing....hey do u think I could come over and spend the night??" I ask my bestfriend
"My moms not home but Jessa won't mind.... do you have a ride?"
''No I'll just walk"
"Are you kidding have you seen the weather!!" she yells at me over the phone.
"ya it won't kill me, it might give me a cold but I don't care"I said.
"ok then I'll see you later"
As I was getting ready I could hear my little brother Jammie scream "MOLLY!"
Jammie is six years old he was born a pre-me weighing only 3lbs 12 oz. Me and Jammie
don't share the same father, Jammies father Bill died in a car accident when Jammie was five
but my mom just told him that daddy was on a trip that he couldn't come back from.
"come here!"
"why should I!"
"just come here!" I could hear that Jammie was crying so I ran toward the bathroom
where he was standing over my cat bella.
"look she bit me!"(i could she bite marks on his arm)
"Oh your fine Jammie! your not going to die!"
"I know that but the fact that she did it hurt my feelings Molly!"
" just leave her alone ok!"
"FINE!" he said as he ran out of the room holding his arm.
I got all my stuff into my bag and told my mom and brother I'll be back tomarrow.
My rain coat was hanging on the coat rack so I'll get it on the way out.
I ran out the door and it was pooring rain outside but I knew it couldn't hurt. As i was
was walking down the road i could hear someone yelling my name in the distance I looked around but I
saw no one so I just kept walking and then I heard it again so I started running I ran right into the middle
of the street and I stoped because lights were comeing toward me but I didn't move and then "BAM"
"Molly!" I could hear someone yelling really loud.
I lift my head up, " what" at that point I felt a houge amont of pain rushing through my head.
" Molly are you ok we came to pick you up but we found you on the ground we were calling your name
to try to wake you up. we think you fell."
"I don't remember anything but my head really hurts" I say.
"ok Molly hop in the car" Jessa said
"ok" I climed in the car.
When we got to kristies house I sat on the couch and I was shivering like crazy!
"hey Molly im going to get you a pair of pj's because your like sokeing wet" kristie said as she ran to
her room.
"oh ok kristie thanks"
I heard her comeing back with the pj's , thank god cause im frezzeing! I wonder why I was face down in the road??
"Here you molls I hope they fit"
" ya im sure they will" (jeez is she calling my fat!!!!!!!)
as I whent in to the bathroom I guess someone had taken a shower because it was all wet in there so I had to make
sure not to fall. Oh my gosh these are the cutest pjs ever do u think she will notice if they were gone *laughs*

(NOT DONE ON PAPAER!!!!!!!!!!)