Wednesday, December 16, 2009

MayFlower Mary Mores Journal ch.13

Sept. 16 1620,
There is no room on this boat. The sleeping quarters are as big as the horse stall at home. Because of this new church it has allowed my parents to get a divorce because my mother was having and affair with Mr.Blakeway. So my father sent me and my siblings on to the mayflower to go to America and have a better life. I hate being here on the ship, I am afraid of my life!! all of the people stink and are getting sick. It is absolutely horrid!

Sept. 28 1620,
It is a Better day. The ocean is a pretty blue and the sky's are clear. As I look off the boat I see the birds fly and the fish swim.I am very lucky to be up on the deck, most people arnt allowed on the deck because they might get in the way. My adopted father Mr.Brewster has let me see John Smiths map. It is very difficult to read no wonder they need the fine scholar's to Captain the Ship. I have been playing games with all of my siblings. I'm very happy that my brother and sister haven't died. I would be terribly sad.

Jan. 4th
I can not understand what is happening here in America. It is harder than the sailors back home have told us..were they lying? I have watched my brother Jasper die long ago on the boat and I'm not feeling to well myself, I'm only a young girl and I'm watching the life of my siblings pass, such as mine.
We are growing little on food. I have never felt so sick. My whole body hurts and I feel like I'm going to spew my innards out. I also have sores all over my skin that keep getting deeper.
I have my brother Richard with me and my sister Ellen has gone to another family I remember her not a lot, but I know that I am missing her dearly. I wonder if we will survive here. Its hard to get food in the wild but the Indians have been trading with us so we will be okay once we know the land a little bit better.

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